Night Time Go, 2017

Karrabing Film Collective

Streaming on 24 Jun – available for 2 weeks


31:10 min, colour, sound


An exploration of settler's propriety

Night Time Go is an exploration of the settler state’s attempt to remove Indigenous people from their lands during the Second World War using truck, train, and rifle and the refusal of the Karrabing ancestors to be detained. The film begins by hewing closely to the actual historical details of this ancestral journey but slowly turns to an alternative history in which the group inspires a general Indigenous insurrection driving out settlers from the Top End of Australia. Mixing drama and humour, history and satire, Night Time Go pushes subaltern history beyond the bounds of settler propriety.


About the artists

Karrabing Film Collective is an Indigenous media group who use filmmaking to interrogate the conditions of inequality for Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory and retain connections to land and their ancestors. Composed of some thirty extended family members whose ancestral lands stretch across saltwaters and inlands and the Italian Alps, Karrabing together create films using an “improvisational realism” that opens a space beyond binaries of the fictional and the documentary, the past and the present. Night Time Go is presented as part of Serpentine’s Back to Earth project.